
Tarajio Account - Savings Plan

Bank Through Conversations

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Tarajio Savings Plan is your ordinary savings account backed by a Current Account. This allows customers to accumulate progressive savings according to their financial capacity. At the end of a minimum 12 months’ period and 12 regular payments, the customer can automatically benefit from a loan to finance an ambition/ project. The loan amount is up to twice the saved amount in 12 months.


  • The savings plan must be backed by a current account with a letter of undertaking.
  • Account opening is free
  • Savings must be made through 12 payments via a standing order from the Current account.
  • The standing order is for a minimum of Kshs 2, 000.
  • The savings plan cannot be terminated before complete loan repayment.


  • Interest of up to 1% p.a. is paid to the savings account.
  • The loan amount is equivalent to twice the amount saved and a maximum Debt Service ratio (DSR) of 50% (whichever is lower)
  • Maximum loan duration is 48 months.
  • The customer can start another savings plan while benefiting from loan.
  • Attractive interest rates on loans.


  • Passport size photo.
  • Original ID or passport.
  • 3 last pay slips.
  • Letter of undertaking from employer reference.

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